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Our Funds

As a professional who advises clients – individuals, families, or businesses – about charitable giving, you play a key role in philanthropy. The Community Foundation is a uniquely valuable resource and partner when you need personalized, flexible, high-impact options to help your clients achieve their goals for giving. If your client is thinking about making a complex charitable gift today or leaving a charitable legacy for the future, we offer a variety of options. With smart planning, you can help your client make a gift that will benefit the causes they care about for years to come.

You are the driver of your client relationship. Our goal is to serve as your philanthropic consultant, a valuable member of your team helping you achieve your clients’ goals. We offer:

  • Confidential, cost-free resources for charitable planning

  • Community knowledge

  • Flexible tools for lifetime and legacy gifts

  • Management for gifts of complex assets

  • Personal, local, highest-quality donor services

  • A trusted partnership that enhances your relationship with your clients

Questions? Please contact Lindsay Richardson for a confidential consultation to explore the options available to your clients.

The Community Foundation is committed to working with professional advisors to help your clients realize their charitable goals. Here are some of the ways we can help you:

Sturgis Area Community Foundation funds enable individuals, families, businesses and organizations to make a positive, lasting, impact by supporting the causes they care about now and for years to come. 

Community's "Greatest Needs" Funds

Adele M. Gray Fund 

Established to support the charitable needs of the White Pigeon community; or, as Adele would have said, to provide "Anything for the Chiefs!". 

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Constantine Area Community Foundation Fund 

Also known as "The Fund for Constantine", this fund was established to provide ongoing support for charitable programs and projects serving Constantine. 

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Dr. Paul and Barbara Brothers Fund

The Dr. Paul and Barbara Brothers Fund was created to help meet the charitable needs of St. Joseph County communities.

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Edwin & Marguerite Haines Memorial Fund

Established in memory of Edwin & Marguerite Haines to support the needs of their beloved community of Constantine. 

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Foundation Support Fund

The Foundation Support Fund exists to support the operational needs of the Sturgis Area Community Foundation and its affiliates. 

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Lawrence G. and Onalee M. Hopkins Fund

Created to support the charitable needs of communities in the Sturgis area. 

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Next Generation Fund for Sturgis

Created to support the charitable needs of communities in the Sturgis area. 

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The Fund for Sturgis

Created to support the charitable needs of communities in the Sturgis area. 

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The Patrick Arseneau Memorial Fund (Sponsored by the Open Door Gallery)

Established in loving memory of Patrick Arseneau, the Arseneau Fund exists to support charitable programs and projects serving St. Joseph County. 

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White Pigeon Area Community Foundation 

Also known as "The Fund for White Pigeon", this fund was established to provide ongoing support for charitable programs and projects serving the White Pigeon community. 

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William & Helen Doyle Sturgis Exchange Club Fund

Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 

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Field of Interest Funds

ARCH Continuation Endowment Fund

Originally established to support the programs of the ARCH organization in Sturgis. Since the dissolution of ARCH, this fund supports programs and projects that align with ARCH's mission to increase the independence and dignity of individuals in St. Joseph according to their needs.

Make a Gift

ARCH Continuation Endowment Fund

Originally established to support the programs of the ARCH organization in Sturgis. Since the dissolution of ARCH, this fund supports programs and projects that align with ARCH's mission to increase the independence and dignity of individuals in St. Joseph according to their needs.

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Existing Funds

Sturgis Area Community Foundation funds enable individuals, families, businesses and organizations to make a positive, lasting, impact by supporting the causes they care about now and for year to come

Our Community's "Greatest Needs" Funds

Apply Here

Adele M. Gray Fund

Established to support the charitable needs of the White Pigeon community; or as Adele would have said, to provide "Anything for the Chiefs!".

​Also known as "The Fund for White Pigeon", this fund was established to provide ongoing support for charitable programs and projects serving the White Pigeon community. 

White Pigeon Area Community Foundation 

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​Established in loving memory of Patrick Arseneau, the Arseneau Fund exists to support charitable programs and projects serving St. Joseph County. 

The Patrick Arseneau Memorial Fund (Sponsored by the Open Door Gallery)

Make a Gift

​The Foundation Support Fund exists to support the operational needs of the Sturgis Area Community Foundation and its affiliates. 

The Fund for Sturgis

Make a Gift

​Created to support the charitable needs of communities in the Sturgis area. 

Next Generation Fund for Sturgis

Make a Gift

​Created to support the charitable needs of communities in the Sturgis area. 

Lawrence G. and Onalee M. Hopkins Fund

Make a Gift

​The Foundation Support Fund exists to support the operational needs of the Sturgis Area Community Foundation and its affiliates. 

Foundation Support Fund

Make a Gift

​Established in memory of Edwin & Marguerite Haines to support the needs of their beloved community of Constantine. 

Edwin & Marguerite Haines Memorial Fund

Make a Gift

​The Foundation Support Fund exists to support the operational needs of the Sturgis Area Community Foundation and its affiliates. 

Dr. Paul and Barbara Brothers Fund

Make a Gift

​The Dr. Paul and Barbara Brothers Fund was created to help meet the charitable needs of St. Joseph County communities.

Constantine Area Community Foundation Fund

Make a Gift

Established to support the charitable needs of the White Pigeon community; or as Adele would have said, to provide "Anything for the Chiefs!".

Adele M. Gray Fund

Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club. 


Make a Gift

​Established by William and Helen Doyle, this fund provides annual support for charitable organizations serving the Sturgis area through grants selected by the Sturgis Exchange Club.